
Rob Keating
4 min readSep 9, 2020

Letting go to becoming the real you

Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash

Your Self

The narrow passage that sits between you and the most powerful and complex object in the universe, your mind. It’s your own realm of perception and the version of reality that you live in. Moving from one reality to another can be very emotional, the deepest parts of who we are sit with our emotions. And it’s the buried, inner, unrecognisable emotions that can transport us somewhere new. At any one point in time there was a moment. An event in childhood, a period of time or an experience where it you had the space to explore your true self. This is when your life would have been drastically different. You could have navigated through the world differently and the phrase, look after yourself would have carried a very different meaning. It would have been you, but simply expressing yourself into the world.

Your Inner Self

What makes you you and is the part you can’t see? What lies under your system of belief that controls how you operate in this world and how do you begin to unwind it? All of the answers you’re looking for are inside. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world and realigning your internal compass is what will make the difference. Is your logic and emotion aligned correctly so you can express yourself as you wish? Do you find yourself saying something with the wrong meaning? Our internal worlds are vastly complex machines and can distort our own reality. By spending time with our deepest thoughts we can bering into our own realities the things we can’t see or the things we struggle with. It’s a vastly complex journey of the unknown and can take some time to get to grips with. By getting to your inner world you can forever transform your outer world.

Letting Go

It’s the things we can’t see, the reason we comfort eat, the reason we aren’t where we want to be that we have to unwind. Unwinding means getting inside of yourself and spending time with the thoughts that come from somewhere else. We can put on a front, act the part but eventually we’ll have to face ourselves. Who we really are and what we’ve buried. Is it doubt we have, lack of belief or something more? If our minds are that powerful and create our own realities how can we begin to discover the source of who we are and bring it all into our consciousness realm? As the novelist Marcel Proust writes, We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full. Was there a lack of love or too much of it in your younger life? If we can find new ways to express ourselves or new space to challenge ourselves we might just have the opportunity to let go of control. The control of our version of reality that we live in. But we must be open. Open to the vastness of the space in front of us and the invisible force that guides us where we go. It’s the things you don’t see that with time, make you see.

Change You Can’t Come Back From

We can call it an experience, something new or something we’ve overcome. But it takes us to a place inside ourselves that we didn’t know was there. It’s a new part of us that we haven’t experienced before. We can find it through people we follow, those we associate with or those we admire. But the change is in ourselves. That narrow passage way to our most complex object in the universe is somehow different. We have seen something more than we did before. Was it there the whole time? Becoming all you can be is no easy journey. If your own platform of existence is your friends, family & career then letting go won’t come without resistance. The resistance of safety and trust, the worry of being wrong and the question of what if. To transform means to say, see, do and believe things differently. But if it’s our own realities that give us our own experiences then the space in between will always be the same. The change will never come if we force meaning and label things. It what’s behind the meaning the transforms us.

Know Yourself

The skills and abilities we have can dictate the life we live. The choices we make, the places we go and the people we meet will come down to our own sense of the world and what it is. Is it a place to be feared, admired, laughed at, explored or something more. If we become like the people around us then our world is already defined by who we are. But it’s our own self, the gateway between the internal and external worlds that allow us to change. It’s the emotional journey of not knowing where we find true strength. Should I or shouldn’t I? These are the time our future is carved out. Our self has the ability to move from one reality to another, over time based on what we believe, what we have seen and who is around us. There is an infinite world in front of us and things always change. But will our inner world allow ourselves to be present and moving through it? In this realm, control is only an illusion.

