Who You Are And How You See The World

Rob Keating
2 min readMar 2, 2021

Your mind and your reality

This writing.

It’s about that space in front of you.

The space between you and these words your reading.

That space, that invisible gap. Well… you can change it. You can drastically alter what’s right in front of you.

It means you can move through the world differently, things in front of you change.

This all comes from recognising your own reality. How we all live in a very different world.

Unfortunately, understanding your own world is not a given.

Ever felt like you’re not sure? Like you wish you could become rock solid in who you were? Like you want to move through the world in a new way?

Well, you can.

This is the power of creating an unshakeable foundation in who you are and how you see the world. You might be a CEO in charge of 500 people. You might be reading this because you’re bored. But the one thing you both have in common? You know there’s something more. You know there’s something more to your world thats right in front of you.

This is where challenging your own self comes in. Think of it like a map of what you believe.

You see, there’s this thing in Psychology called constructivism.

Constructivism is how our minds have built our reality since we were young. Remember that time when your teacher was trying to explain writing to you. Trying to explain English language vs English literature. Well, it might not have entirely made sense because your teacher had no reference to you. No reference to who you are and how you see the world.

Fast forward 20 years.

Now you’re trying to express yourself in writing and can’t always write what you mean. It doesn’t always make sense.

Suddenly you’re trying to push your reality forward. Are you writing with meaning and purpose that will become a reference for the future? Or are you simply trying to use words correctly? Enter literature vs language.

Creating that solid reference to face the world is exactly the same… It comes from navigating inwards to build outwards.

It means getting answers out on paper and delving into the meaning behind things. The meaning that you have been automatically constructing for decades.

Find more for free via The Internal World page at changemachene.com

